Islamic Perspective Journal Volume 17, Spring 2017 has been published by LAIS

Islamic Perspective  Journal  

Volume 17, Spring 2017

To download the electronic version of the journal please click here. 

The Journal of Islamic Perspective published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) is a peer reviewed Journal of the Center for Humanities and Sociological Studies, affiliated to the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS). This Journal aims to create a dialogue between intellectuals, thinkers and writers from the Islamic World and academics, intellectuals, thinkers and writers from other parts of the Globe. Issues in the context of Culture, Islamic Thoughts & Civilizations, and other relevant areas of social sciences, humanities and cultural studies are of interest and we hope to create a global platform to deepen and develop these issues in the frame of a Critical Perspective. Our motto is homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto. Contributions to Islamic Perspective do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial board or the Center for Humanities and Sociological Studies.



Diasporic Muslim Discourses: Re-visiting & Challenging the Stereotypes
Esmaeil Zeiny/ 1
Ibn Khaldun and Social Sciences : A Critical Approach to Seyed Javad Tabatabai’s Narrative on Ibn Khaldun
Seyed Javad Miri/ 15
Sacred and Profane Suffering in Islam and Buddhism: An Ontological and Axiological Approach
Zahra Akbari, Bahman Akbari/ 25
The regional rise of the threat of Al Qaeda in the Persian Gulf since the Iraq War
Fatemeh Shayan/ 93
The Great Game : Superpowers’ Policy toward Iran – Iraq War
Farajollah Ali Ghanbari / 69
Increasing the Effectiveness of Sociology in Islamic Culture
Mohammad Masoud Saeidi / 109