Transcendent Philosophy Journal Volume 18, Number 29, December 2017, has been published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies.
Transcendent Philosophy Journal is an academicĀ peer-reviewed journal published by the LondonĀ Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) and aims toĀ create a dialogue between Eastern, Western andĀ Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism is published inĀ December.
To view past volumes of the Transcendent Philosophy JournalĀ click here.
To download the electronic version of the journal click here.
Table of Contents:
Seyyed Hossein Nasrās Traditional and Philosophical Approach to the Quran
Seyed G Safavi [7-12]
Sayyid AlÄ« HamadÄnÄ« on the Concept of tawįø„Ä«d
Seyyed Shahabeddin Mesbahi [13-28]
Sohrevardi as the Philartist of Farabiās Utopia
Nadia Maftouni [29-46]
The Ontological Argument in Islamic Metaphysics
Karim Aghili [47-76]
The Immateriality of Perception In Mulla Sadra and Berkeley
Abdurrazzaq Hesamifar [77-94]
Mulla Sadra: On Introduction to Evolutionary Anthropology
Qodratullah Qorbani [95-118]
An Examination of the Affirmative Principles of the Compensation Theory in the between Imamite and Mutazila theologians
Mohammad Bonyani,Ā Hamidreza Sarvarian [119-140]
Rumi: The Marriage of Heart and Mind in the Service of Spiritual Education
Salih Yucel [141-162]
The Influence of the Theory of Sultans as Shadows of God on the Architecture of their Tombs (Case study: the tomb of Sultan Sanjar and Amir Timūr)
Seyed Abol-Ghasem Forouzani [163-190]
A Survey on Relationships between Experimental Sciences and Hannifi Religion in Samanid Era
Seyed Abol-Ghasem Forouzani, Hadi Pirouzan [191-224]
The extent of influence of religion on science and the meaningfulness of religious science based on Ayatollah Khameneiās views
Mohammad Namazi, Sayyed Hasan Hoseini [225-249]