Mulla Sadra and the Mind-Body Problem written by Dr Abdulaziz Daftari has been published by LAIS Press. The book is comprised of 6 chapters and 373 pages.
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Islamic Perspective Journal Number 7, 2012 To download the electronic version of the journal click here The Journal of Islamic Perspective published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) is a peer reviewed Journal of the Center for Humanities and Sociological Studies, affiliated to the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS). This Journal […]
هو Dr Sara Susanne Kuehn London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) Ḥasan Baba, with the makhlaṣ (“[poetic] pseudonym”, Bosn. postojani) of Qāʾimī (“steady, constant, persistent”),[2] also known as Hasan Kaimija, was one of most celebrated Bosnian Ṣūfī shaykhs (spiritual master) and poets of the eleventh/seventeenth century. What is known of his life and work affords […]
Alternative Sociology Probing into the Sociological Thought of Allama M. T. Jafari by Dr Seyed Javad Miri, has been published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) in London.
Two Lectures by PROF. SEYYED HOSSEIN NASR London Academy of Iranian Studies, The International Peace Studies Centre and The AhlulBayt Islamic Societies (Muslim Student Council) cordially invites you to “Islam and The Question of Peace” Date: Thursday, 8th March 2012 @ 6.30pm Venue : Imperial College, Huxley LT311, Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2AZ “Islam and The West: Yesterday, Today Tomorrow” Date:Friday, 9th March 2012 @ 6.00pm Venue : UCL, Cruciform LT1, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT