Transcendent Philosophy Journal volume 13 – December 2012

Transcendent Philosophy Journal Volume 13, December 2012, has been published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies.


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Transcendent Philosophy Journal is an academic peer-reviewed journal published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) and aims to create a dialogue between Eastern, Western and Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism is published in December.

To view past volumes of the Transcendent Philosophy Journal click here


To download an article from this volume click on the article title in the list below.




Answers to Some Questions Posed about Religion and the Environment

Seyyed Hossein Nasr [7-20]


Mulla Sadra’s Life and Philosophy

Seyed G Safavi [21-96]


The Heideggerian Triad of Ontical Ontological and Hermeneutical Approaches to Sein

Abdul Rahim Afaki [97-118]


Revisiting the Question of Alienation in a Frommesque Perspective

Seyed Javad Miri [119-130]


Compatible Corruptibilities: Death in Physical Theory, the Pauline Epistles and the Philosophy of the Iranian Illuminationists

David Kuhrt [131-148]


Reverberations of The Life and Work of The Seventeenth-Century Bosnian Shaykh and Poet Ḥasan Qa’emi

Sara Susanne Kuehn [149-176]


A Comparative Analysis of the Concept of Normality in the Work of Rumi and in Empirical Psychology

Fatemeh Nasr Azadani and Fariborz Bagheri [177-202]


Kindness: the Relationship Between God and Creation

Abdolmajid Mohagheghi and Jaseb Nikfar [203-224]


Why the Modern Intellectual Cannot Reach the Truth?

Aadil Farook [225-238]


Art As It Is, and Art As It Should Be: An Analytical Study of Fārābī

Nadia Maftouni [239-248]



Book Reviews:


The Garden of Truth: The Vision and Promise of Sufism, Islam Mystical Tradition

Prof. Seyyed Hossein Nasr [249-252]


A Sufi Master’s Message: In Memoriam René Guénon

Shaykh ‘Abd al-Wahid Pallavicini [253-258]