Transcendent Philosophy Journal Volume 24 – Number 35 – December 2023

Transcendent Philosophy Journal is an academic peer-reviewed journal published by the London Academy of Iranian Studies (LAIS) and aims to create a dialogue between Eastern, Western and Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism is published in December.




Manifesto of Life (Philosophical Interpretation of Surah al-Asr of the Quran)

Seyed Salman Safavi and Seyed Sadreddin Safavi

London Academy of Iranian Studies, UK [7-46]


Notes on the Concept of tajallī in Ibn Arabī‘s Thought

Seyyed Shahabeddin Mesbahi

London Academy of Iranian Studies [47-54]


The Dharma of Economics: Challenges and Limitations

John Paraskevopoulos

International Association of Buddhist Culture, Kyoto [55-70]


Suicide: A Spiritual Perspective

Samuel Bendeck Sotillos

Institute of Traditional Psychology, Chicago, IL, USA [71-104]


The Influence of St. Isaac the Syrian‘s Ascetical Theology on Early Sufism

Georgios Kakouris

Georg-August-UniversitÀt Göttingen, Germany [105-148]


Qadam Rasool of Odisha: A Historical Review

Mohammed Yamin,

Khariar Autonomous College Khariar,Distt-Nuapada, Odisha, India [149-158]

Book Reviews

Thus Taught Master Shichiri: One Hundred Gems of Shin Buddhist Wisdom
By Gƍjun Shichiri, Translated by Hisao Inagaki, Foreword by John Paraskevopoulos, Preface by Hisao Inagaki, Introduction by Toshikazu Arai
San Francisco, CA: Jodo Shinshu International Office, 2022, PP. 126.
Reviewed by Samuel Bendeck Sotillos [159-164]

The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name
By Brian C. Muraresku, Foreword by Graham Hancock
New York, NY: St. Martin‘s Press, 2020, PP. 480.
Reviewed by Samuel Bendeck Sotillos [165-174]

In Memoriam: William Stoddart (1925–2023)
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos [175-182]


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