Allah in Qur’an: Golden Verses on Divine Unity written by Seyed G Safavi and Seyed Sadreddin Safavi

Allah in Qur’an: Golden Verses on Divine Unity written by Seyed G Safavi and Seyed Sadreddin Safavi has been published by LAIS Press. 

Allah is central in the Qur‘anic world perspective, both from an ontological and an epistemological perspective. Allah is the axis for all of a Muslim‘s social and individual acts. The holy Qur‘an makes thousands of references to Allah‘s delicate role in an individual‘s social, individual, spiritual and political life.

Chapter One discusses Allah in Qur’an from the perspective of Transcendent philosophy. Chapter Two offers an esoteric interpretation of 48 golden verses of the Qur’an which are central to the concept of Allah in the Qur’an.

Dr Seyed Salman Safavi and Seyed Sadreddin Safavi are educated in the Islamic Sciences in the Islamic Seminary of Qom and Religions & Philosophies at SOAS, University of London. They are of the founders and contributors of the Contemporary Encyclopedia of Holy Qur’an and Transcendent Philosophy Journal. Dr Seyed Salman Safavi is the founder and director of the London Academy of Iranian Studies. He is the author of 20 books on Qur’anic studies, Philosophy and Sufism and is one of the world’s leading authorities on Rumi’s Mathnawi

Pages: 135.

Price: £10.